Boost your immune system with Ayurveda

Ayurveda kinesiology natural health covid brisbane

During this time there has been a lot of fear and panic around the Corona Virus. This fight-flight state response will only work to hamper our immune system and increase our chances of contracting the virus.

While following good hygiene practices such as washing your hands and covering your mouth when coughing are important for reducing our risk, we can also go one step further by incorporating some Ayurvedic practices that will work to actively boost our immune system.

The Australasian Institute of Ayurvedic Studies have recently put out the following recommendations to maintain a healthy immune system:

  • Morning ‘Detox’ drink: Prepare a glass of warm water and add ½ x teaspoon of freshly grated ginger, ½ x teaspoon of honey, ½ x tablespoon of lemon juice.

  • Each morning put three drops of lukewarm, cold-pressed, black sesame oil in each nostril and massage the area around your nose and eyes three times in a circular motion.

  • Gargle with a cup of warm water and ½ x teaspoon of black salt and ¼ x teaspoon of turmeric at least 2-3 times a day.

  • Chew 1 x clove of garlic, at least twice a day

  • Dietary regimes: The diet should be fresh, warm, cooked, easy to digest, containing whole grains and seasonal vegetables. Avoid cold, frozen foods, cold dairy foods and yeasted breads, peanut paste, cheese, tomato sauce, tomato soup and potato crisps. Drink only warm water.

  • Daytime ‘Detox’ drink. Add the following herbs to 2 x litres of water: 2.5 cm piece of chopped ginger, 4 x green cardamom, 1 x teaspoon of fennel seeds, ½ stick of cinnamon and 1 x clove. Boil for 10 minutes, strain and allow to cool. Drink un-diluted during the day.

  • If you have a slight cough or runny nose, mix ¼ x tsp black pepper, 10 drops ginger juice, ¼ x tsp turmeric and ¼ x tsp cinnamon - 2 or 3 times per day and let it drizzle down your throat.

  • For added immune boost, take 1 x teaspoon of Ayurveda Chyawanprash (do not purchase Chyawanprash from Indian grocery stores), twice a day.

  • Avoid cold breezes. Avoid daytime sleep, unless unwell.

  • If ill, always seek medical help and take nourishing, easy to digest preparations such as Ayurvedic Kitcheri.

  • And of course, take time outside in nature - connect to the plants, receive the suns rays and breath in the fresh air.


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