Is it Me or is it Society?

We see depression and anxiety as something that is wrong with us, that we are broken or incomplete or that we are not good enough. We don't receive true joy from the way we are living - working our 9-5pm job, paying bills, paying mortgages, relationships that never go beyond the superficial... We take medication or we self-medicate with addictions and substances so that we no longer feel the pain. We dampen this aspect of ourselves so that we can fit in and participate in society and carry on in our lives.

But what if depression and anxiety instead means that rather than us being incomplete or broken, it is a product of a flawed and outdated society - a society that favours money over humans, taste over the protection of other sentient beings, logic over emotions, order over creativity, a one world globalisation over the celebration of differences, competition over harmony, separation over community...a society that is blindly clearing the forests, polluting our air and waterways, contaminating our food, mining the oceans of all life... disconnecting to our own life supporting system. 

Depression means that we are dwelling in the past and anxiety means that we are thinking too much of the future.  They are both escaping the present moment. What are we not facing in the present moment? The key is to discover what it is you would prefer, what is your true longing and calling. To be honest and to really question and create the space to receive and listen.

I believe the people who suffer from anxiety and depression are the exact people who when they learn to accept their differences and stand in their power are the ones that are going to change the world.

Many clients I see in my clinic who suffer from anxiety and depression are the ones who feel the most, the empaths. They have a more sensitive radar to something not being quite right.  But then they close in on themselves - thoughts of fear, doubt and self worth kick in and paralyse them from actually stepping up and speaking their truth.  

The pain they feel is a result of the separation from what they are doing to what their heart desires. The greater the pain, the greater the hearts calling or desire for something more, something different. Is your life a product of conditioning and society or have you dug deeper into the depths of your soul and questioned what is it that you want underneath it all? It is ok to be different, it is ok to not agree. We are perfect and complete, the system is broken and outdated. The earth needs us more then ever to step up now and pave a new way with our unique expressions of who we are.. 


Life with Presence - Stepping out of Control and Anxiety